Monday, December 15, 2008


Before I start my blog I would like to say that I have tried changing my background from pumpkins to something more Christmasy, but it's not get over it for now!! :)

This weekend was mine and Zac's five year anniversary. We started it off by getting up early and eating breakfast at the IHOP which was fab! Their pancakes are awesome. From there we went to get gas and ended up staying at the gast station for two and half hours because the battery in my Jeep died. Zac had been telling me for weeks that something was wrong with it and I needed to get a new one, but I didn't listen. After we tried jumping it off we decided we were going to have to walk to Wal-Mart which didn't look that far away. However, when walking the distance we found out it was a little longer than we thought. It was especially long for Zac since he carried the car battery all the way back. Bless him. He's the best man in the world. He never lectured me or even got upset with me. After getting the battery we also discovered we didn't have the tools we needed. Zac tried his best to get a stubborn bolt loose but it wouldn't work. Luckily, a car salesman from Car Max (or soemthing) named Chaz (lol) came by and saved the day. He went to the car place he worked at and got the tools we needed. Sheesh!!

Next, we met realtors to look at houses. After several disappointing houses we found two that we fell in love with. We are going back on Wednesday to look at them again. Who knows? Maybe we'll be homeowners very soon.

Sunday, we headed to the Burritt Museum to check it out. We also fell in love with this place and decided this is where we want to be married. We booked it, and Mama and I are going back on Thursday to put the deposit down and work out all the details. I can't wait till October 3 when I'll become Mrs. Troxtel. :)

Our weekend was super busy, but it was so much fun. I hope everyone is having a good week!

Monday, December 8, 2008

My oh my!

The last week or so has been extremely stressful for me. I took off work early on Thursday due to a migraine which I have been having frequently since this school semester started. I also took off on Friday and today so I could get all 30 pages of papers written for UNA. I got them done but I did make a good grade on my research paper. I swear I just don't know what this professor wants. I'm letting it go though. As long as I can make a C (which is so not what I make in school) I will be a happy camper. I will be escatic just be done with this class. I hope I never have to take him again.

Yesterday, Zac and I put up our christmas tree. We had quite a time since I had hid our ornaments from myself. We turned this apartment upside down and I finally found them in a laundry basket underneath clean clothes...don't ask!!!! Last night we went out to eat at Wing's for my brother and sis-in-laws birthdays. We had a good time. I don't get to see them enough so it was fun spending some time with them.

Today, I finished up my last paper for asshole teacher and then headed to Hazel Green to talk to a loan officer about Zac and I buying a house. Yes, we have decided that we are going to buy a house! I'm so excited and overwhelmed and nervous and scared all at the same time. Since this was a spur of the moment thing Zac did not get to go because he was at work, but oh how I wish he was there. Luckily, Mama was able to go with me and she helped me with some of the more difficult questions. I contacted a real estate agent when I got home and now we are waiting for some listings to be emailed to us! This really is an exciting time!

This weekend we've made plans to go look at the Burritt Museum where we hope to have our wedding and reception. Maybe we'll have some houses to look at by then.

I'm learning quickly that I'm going to have priorotize things that have to been done now and not worry about things that can wait until later. I've always heard how stressful these events could be and now I know everyone was telling the truth.

I'm also waiting to hear from Jaime. She went today to find out what she is having and I can't wait till she tells me!

Hope everyone is having a good week so far, even though it's only Monday! Btw, I know I have spelling errors but I don't feel like spell checking.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


The Thanksgiving holidays sure have made me realize that I have so much to be grateful for. Zac proposed to me on Wednesday night before we went to eat with his mom's family. I was so not expecting it to be that soon and that's exactly what he wanted. I had had a long day going to the doctor, hitting Wal-Mart, and cooking while he was out doing some errands that "had to be done". When he got home I got up and started getting ready for our first Thanksgiving dinner our of three. When I came out of the bathroom from doing my hair and makeup I saw that he had ironed my clothes for me to wear. I went over to the table and picked up my shirt and saw a black velvet box underneath it. I immediately thought that he had bought me a pair of earrings to trick me because I have been trying every which way to figure out how and when he was going to propose (he told me it would be before Christmas). I opened up the box and saw the gorgeous ring and immediately snapped the box shut and turned around and he was standing there watching me with a huge grin on his face. I don't remember all the details, but I know that he pulled me to him and said that he had loved me everyday for five years and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. Would I marry him. I was so shocked I had my mouth covered with both hands and all I could do was nod. We didn't have much time to spend together before we had to leave, but that was okay with me because I wanted to tell everyone! So, the last two days have been spent in a whirlwind of telling family about our engagement. It has been so much fun, but I've been so excited that I exhausted myself! better way to do it though. We've planned the wedding for October 3, 2009. That's about all the details I have so far.

In other news, Jaime and I decided to brave the crowds for Black Friday. This was my first Black Friday shopping experience and except for Jaime almost passing out on my twice, it was a pretty good one. I did not enjoy standing in line for over an hour at Kohl's at 4:00 in the morning, but the coke we had after we left was the best one of my life!!! The rest of the day was great. I bought my Engagement/Wedding scrapbook album and few things to get me started in it. I found two pairs of shoes I had to have, several things for Zac, and some Christmas items. I also found some things at the Hob that I wanted for our house. I spent too much money, but I think it was worth it.

The holidays are off to a fantastic start for me. I hope everyone else had a great Thanksgiving as well!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Today my seventh graders were taking a reading quiz on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. One of the questions was, "What is the name of the pub that Hagrid takes Harry to?" A lot of the kids didn't know what a pub was. So, one of the boys comes up to me and asks me what a pube is.... It was so funny that he pronounced pub pube and he was completely oblivious to what he had said. Just thought I would share. Maybe someone else will get a kick out it like I did.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Breaking Glasses!

So, this morning as I was sitting in first period waiting on my students to get done with their bell work so we could begin class I was looking at my reflection in my laptop. I noticed that my glasses were crooked. Zac has been telling me they were for awhile. I decided to that I would try to fix them by bending them a tad bit just to even them out. All of a sudden I had two pieces of eye glass frames lying in my hands. I freaked! I mean my frames had literally broke in two!!!! I absolutely cannot see without my glasses and I have been out of contacts for awhile now. I went to Jaime's room for comfort. She came up with the idea to email the school (yes, very embarrassing) to ask for super glue for my frames. A 5th grade teacher sent some my way but unfortunately it didn't work. Good try James! :) So, I called my mom to see if anyone was around the house that could come get the frames and take them to Wal-Mart to have them fixed. No one was around, so she called Paul, my stepdad. Paul saved the day!!! He took off from work and came to the school, picked up the glasses, took them to Wal-Mart and got new frames for me!!! What would I have done without him?!? It was definitely an experience I don't want to have again. It's very scary to be around 7th and 8th graders and not be able to see what they are doing! :P I learned my lesson and went by Wal-Mart tonight and worked out everything with my contact prescription (long story) and got my contacts. Now, I have a back up in case anything happens. What a day!!! Btw, if there are grammar errors here (I know there are), I don't care! Ha!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekend Events

This weekend was great and I really needed to unwind after Friday's shocker. I found out Friday that I made a horrible grade on my first paper for my novel studies class. This is probably the worst grade I've made since I've been in college. I honestly went in to panic mode when I saw my grade. So, needless to say I needed to unwind.

Saturday, Zac came over. I was sooo glad to see him. I miss him so much during the week. We headed early to Bridgestreet to do a little shopping at B &N and some window shopping before Jaime's b-day dinner. I found lots of books and three handmade African turtle candles that I had to have. I also got a jump start on Christmas shopping. I found a great gift for my sis-in-law. It was great seeing everyone Sat. night. I hope that Jaime had a good time.

Today, Zac and I lounged around just enjoying each other's company. I was sad to see him leave tonight.

I hope each of you have a great week.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I miss Edward already!

So, I finally finished Breaking Dawn last night. I have mixed feelings about it. I think the book was really good, but I do feel that it dragged on in certain areas. At the end of the book I kept expecting the Volturri to attack the other vampires and it never happened. I think I'm glad that it didn't happen because I really didn't want to see any of the good characters die, and I didn't want to see Bella send Nessie away never to see her again. I'm curious how others feel about the whole non-fight scene.

I honestly teared up when Bella was preparing the backpack for Renesmee. I was proud that Bella had grown up enough to put her daughter's safety before her own selfishness. I also didn't think I was going to like Nessie at all. But, I'm going to miss her, too.

I'm very happy that the family was able to stay together and Edward and Bella were able to return to the "cottage of passion"...LOL....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fall Break is Great!

Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a good week so far. Limestone County is on Fall Break this week and I'm loving it. I can't tell you how much we all needed a break from the kids and basically, just getting up and going to work everyday. I spent Monday going to the doctor and to class. The doctor's visit went well. She said my insulin levels were adjusting, but she fussed at me for not exercising like I should...Same ol' story...Class was better Monday night. One of the women that really gets on my nerves was absent, so that made for a little more pleasantness. However, the other woman that knows anything and everything was there and she sat right next to me. In between showing off for the professor she continously snorted trying to clear her sinuses. Ugh! Disgusting! I wanted to tell her to go to the bathroom and take care of that business but I resisted.

Tuesday, I picked Mama up and we headed to town for some shopping. She has severe nerve damage over her entire right side and the doctor has told her to take up some hobbies involving her hands to try to get some strength back in her hands, shoulder, and arm. So, we headed to the Hob and let me tell you Mama went nuts in there. It's been a very long time since she's been in that store. She found baskets for her house and some very cute cross-stitching projects. We had so much fun in there. I think we will def have to go back and do some Christmas shopping. After that we headed to Wal-Mart. All I can say about that is that it was a trip to Wal-Mart. I hate going there and really try to avoid it when I can. But there are things that you just need to get from them. We headed home after that and I stayed the night with her. Paul, my step-dad, is on a two-week hunting trip somewhere up north and it gave me and Mama a chance to have some girl time.

I spent today laying on the couch, reading, and watching tv. I haven't felt great today because I tried to up my dosage of my glucophage. The doctor told me it was my choice to stay at the same dosage or up it. Obviously, my body still cannot handle more than 2 pills a night and I'm not going to try it anymore. It's just not worth it to me.

Tomorrow, James and I are going to see Amanda and Camden. I'm so excited. I wish we were able to see Amanda more. It's just not the same with her not around all the time. Not to mention she has that beautiful baby that I love to hold!

Anyway, I think that's all I have to say for now. Btw, good luck to Amelia and Landon. I hope everything goes well when it's time for Landon to come into the world! :) Have a good week everyone!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday Night with my honey! :)

I'm sitting at Zac's house right now proudly watching him working on his school work. That's right! His master's classes started Monday and he has been working extremely hard. We have both quickly realized that it is going to take some extra patience on both parts in order to stay sane with both us in school and working full time. I have all the faith in the world that things are going to get even better from here.

I'm super excited that Amanda is probably on her way to the hospital right now to get ready for the arrival of Camden! I can't wait to meet this little boy! I'm can't put into words how happy I am for Amanda and David. They have been through so much and deserve all the happiness in the world. I know that Camden will bring them just that.

This week was Homecoming Week at Tanner. Yes, I'm sure you can imagine all the fun we had with that! Monday was....well I don't really remember Monday right now. Tuesday was...hmmm....okay, Wednesday was Twin day - students picked a friend and they dressed just alike. Jaime and I tried to pull this one off, but she doesn't check her texts very often (kidding, James!) We did end up dressing pretty close. Thursday was stoplight day - green if your single, yellow if its complicated, and red if your taken. It was cute to see what the kids were wearing. I have to say I enjoyed today because the teachers were allowed to wear jeans. This is a rarity! It was also Mardi Gras Day, so there were beads galore and masks, too. Homecoming is always very interesting.

Fall Break is coming up in about a week and can't tell you how ready I am!!!! I so need some time off from work and mostly from driving. I feel like I drive nonstop everyday! I'm so sick of it! I'm constantly trying to come up with a solution to how I can cut back on the driving, but so far nothing has popped up.

I hope everyone has a good weekend. Enjoy the weather!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Pact

So, tonight after working on some boring school stuff I decided to take some time to myself and reading something that I want to read. It's amazing how much a good book and a hot bath can relax you. I absolutely can't wait to discuss this book at book club. I'm only about 40 pages in and I'm in love with it already. I hope all of you get to begin reading it soon! :)

Monday, September 22, 2008


Today has been a tough day for me. I'm getting extremely stressed about the school work that I have to get done for UNA. I just don't know when I'll have the time.

I had a great time at book club on Friday. It was great seeing everyone and discussing the book. I can't wait to get started on the new book. Good luck to all those having babies in between now and next book club. I'll be thinking about ya'll.

This blog is not much, but I just wanted to write something down.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Weeks in Review

I'm so sorry (again) that I haven't blogged. I honestly just feel like my life is too boring to write about, but I'll try to come up with something.

Work is going pretty well for now. The kids have been great and I have very few complaints. Last week maintenance came in to hang my projector and I ended up getting new whiteboards as well. I know this doesn't sound like much, but if you could see our whiteboards you would see how much we all need new ones.

Classes at UNA are going .... well, they're going. I have an enormous amount of work to get done. Really, it's just unbelievable. I sometimes wonder what our professors are thinking when they assign this stuff. Apparently, they think we do nothing but sit at home and do work!

I'm super excited about Baby Emerson. I'm just loving all these babies who will be here soon. We are really missing Amanda at school, but Jaime and I have enjoyed our brief visits with her on Tuesdays and Saturday morning. I can't wait till Camden gets here!

Zac and I spent a wonderful weekend together. We didn't do much except eat at Chili's and go shopping for Amanda's gift. We had such a good time in Babies-R-Us. We went around picking out things we would like to have for our children. I look forward to the day when we get to do it for real. :) Sunday, we spent a lazy day on the couch watching tv and napping. That's our usual Sunday and I love it!

Friday night is book club! I'm very interested in what everyone will have to say about Bunny Tales. Hopefully, the groups will mesh together at this meeting and we can have conversations as a whole group. I'm also looking forward to all the good food that will be there. Ha! Ha!

That's about all for now. I'll try to be a better blogger. See you all soon!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Yes, I'm still alive...

I'm kinda in the same boat as Jaime's in. I have so much going on now that my classes at UNA have started. This is definitely going to be my toughest semester yet. My Intro to Grad Studies class is going to be interesting but also a very tough work load and I can say the same about the Studies in the Novel class. I have so much work to get done already that I don't know where to start.

School has been pretty good with the exception of one bad day with a certain class. Ugh! I could have kicked about five of them out that day and not looked at them again for a week! But, education continues no matter what and we worked past it. They have been good for the last two day. Let's hope it continues.

I hope everyone has a nice long weekend. I know a lot of us need an extra day to breathe!

BTW, kudos to Christy for getting her first ideas down on paper. I'm loving it all so far!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Long time No Blog

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while guys. Things just really haven't been that exciting. School is going great. I still only have one class that I don't care for, but if that's as bad as it gets then everything will be fine. I have two seventh grade boys that I think I'm going to have a difficult time with, but again that's nothing compared with other years I have had. I've noticed that some people at school do not seem very happy this year and this bothers me. I hate it when people are just flat out rude to me. For example, I always smile at people when I pass them in the hall and most of the time say hi. This year it seems there are several people who are just so unhappy that they refuse to even respond. This irritates me a bit.

Other than school nothing else is going on. Zac is coming over to my house this weekend and I can't wait. I'm really missing him this week. Not that I don't always miss him-it's just I"m really ready to have him here.

My UNA classes start Monday night. I'm excited about them, but I'm not looking forward to going to Florence on my own on Monday nights.

Oh yeah, our book club is having its first meeting tomorrow night. I'm super excited about this! I've always wanted to be in one. I can't wait to get started on our first read! I'm such a nerd!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hot Damn!!!

Ya'll I'm so excited and proud of myself. I feel like I've had a pretty rough week so far. No, it's not the students or school. All of that stuff is great. I've been feeling a little sickly for the past few days because of this new glucophage stuff and I think because of my dietary changes. I haven't done any sort of exercise for the past two days, but today it changed! I doubled my time on the treadmill and I was still able to my back exercises! Not only did I walk longer, but I was also able to walk at a higher speed than normal. I'm so excited! I feel like I have more energy right now than I've had in a long time. I know that it can change at any moment, but hopefully this is the beginning of getting my health under control!

Monday, August 11, 2008

I had a great day today. I had more energy than I've had in a long time and it felt great. My appetite seems like it may be returning slowly. I was so hungry when I got home from school I immediately ate supper, but I ate so much I literally made myself sick. Not a good thing. I will definitely not do that again. Ugh!

I've been inspired by Christy to create my list of fail-safe things that make me happy. I was suprised by how many of Christy's happy's were also mine! LOL! These are not in any order. Here it goes:

1. New pens!!!! Love them!!!!
2. A new bag!
3. Cafeteria Hot Dogs!!! LOL
4. Rainy days
5. Watching AnnaBelle and Ollie play
6. The way a new book feels when holding it unopened
7. Buying scrapbook supplies - what a rush!
8. The way clean sheets feel
9. Coming home to a clean house
10. Going to the movies and having popcorn and a coke!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Weekly Wrap Up

Well....the first week of school is over and boy am I glad. Don't get me wrong - it wasn't bad. It was just exhausting. Since Jaime, Amanda, and I worked our butts off getting our classrooms ready Monday and Tuesday, we or I at least was already tired when Wednesday came around with our new darlings. I'm very pleased with my class sizes and with the 7th graders. I have heard great things about this class from several different people and I can tell they are going to be a good class to work with this year. I only have two classes of 8th graders this year, and at first I was a little upset about this. I'm used to having almost all of the 8th graders, but I tell ya what! I am so not missing those kids this year! I'm still adjusting to having 6th period planning. I think I'm going to like it. I can get most of the day over with and then finish up with my seventh graders during 7th period. Our hall is great! I love having Amanda right next door, plus Mrs. Arnold on the other side of me. I would only make one more change if it were up me, but unfortunately it's not! :)

I've struggled with fatigue this week due to the insulin mess. I think it's getting bjust a tad bit better though. I've taken a nap after school everyday this week. I hope this begins to get better soon. I hate feeling like I don't have enough energy to do anything. I'm still working on my exercise and eating habits. I've walked 3 days this week and plan to walk today and tomorrow with Zac. It's so hard to come home from work and have to MAKE yourself get on the treadmill and walk. UGH!!! I've only had one slip up with my eating this week. Thursday, after school I went to McDonald's. I know that I shouldn't have. To be honest with you, it didn't even taste that good! I guess that's a good thing because I am definitely not wanting to go back there anytime soon. I've been eating salads and fruits and all sorts of healthy things. And I've also been drinking lots of water. I'm planning on cooking for me and Zac this weekend so that we don't have to eat out at all. This will be something totally different for us because I never cook and we always eat out. We're really trying to make big changes in our lives in order to be healthier. I'm very proud of what we've done so far.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The First Day of School and Other Thoughts

The first day of school has to be one of the longest days of the year! It's definitely an adjustment getting up early and actually working all day after having such a lazy summer. The kids acted great, but keep in mind it's only the first day. I have great hopes for this year since so far I have low numbers in all my classes and I've heard great things about the 7th grade group.

I'm already feeling overwhelmed, as if there isn't enough time in the day to do everything I would like. I'm already thinking 'when am I going to do this?' and 'when am i going to do that?'
Hopefully, this weekend I can catch my breath and get everything under control.

Another reason I'm feeling a little overwhelmed is that I've recently found out I have pre-diabetes which has been causing a lot of fatigue, weight gain, high cholesterol, etc. Yesterday, the doctor put on a medication that is supposed to help regulate the glucose and insulin levels, and it should help me lose weight. I'm really working hard on changing the way I eat and exercising every day. I'm very proud of what I've done so far and I think it's going to pay off soon. It's just a little stressful knowing that I can't just run out to McDonald's or somewhere and grab something quick to eat. I'm going to really have to work on planning my meals so that I can be sure I'm eating healthy.

I hope everyone is having a lovely week! I'm going to bed soon! Night, Bloggers!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Working is exhausting... LOL

Wow, am I tired and hurting! I am definitely going to have get used to being back at work. After a very, and I mean very lazy summer I am definitely struggling getting back into the swing of things. My day started early at about 6:15 when my alarm clock woke me up. Before I went to bed last night I was actually excited about my first full week back at work. Apparently, my mood had changed over night because I was not happy to hear the alarm go off. I made myself get up, shower, and start my new tradition of eating breakfast at home. Last year it was my ritual to go to Chick-Fil-A every morning before school. I'm trying to cut out fast food as much as I can and this is definitely going to help! I got to school early, before everyone else and began what I thought was making my room look better, but it actually ended up looking worse. I have things all over desk and on the floor. Ugh! LOL! We had a pleasant faculty meeting early this morning and it ended with some inspirational words from Mr. O. He reminded us that we have it a little harder working at Tanner because we have to Mamas and Daddys and even Sunday School teachers to our students. Sometimes we are the only bright lights our students see during their day. It's our jobs not just to teach these children grammar and writing and reading and such, but also to show them love and compassion. My goal this year is to remember no matter how mad a child makes me, that he is still just a child and needs love and support because he is probably not receiving it at home.

Jaime, Amanda, and I took an extra long lunch break and headed to Wal-Mart and the Learning Tree in Decatur. We were being rebels and it made me so nervous! :) I'm not very good at rebelling and I was made fun of for this! It was worth the risk though since we found several goodies for our classrooms. Jaime and I decided we would make an extra bulletin board in each of our rooms made out of fabric hotglued to the wall and lined with cute border. We all worked very hard on mine this afternoon and after it was finally finished it looks fantastic. I absolutely love it! I just hope the kids respect it and don't mess it up. Tomorrow, we will be working on getting Jaime's put up. Hopefully, hers will go quicker since we know how to do it now.

We also spent part of our day laminating all of our goodies! We are always very nervouse about using the laminating machine in the elementary building because we receive unfriendly stares when use their materials. Oh well! We risked it anyway. Now, I just have to get all of those cutesy things cut out!

I still have a ton of things that I have to get done tomorrow! I'm feeling a bit rushed and overwhelmed. I can't really complain though because I should have went to the school last weekend instead of being a couch potatoe and watching Lifetime! Hopefully, I can pull everything together in time for my sweet darlings to come to class.

Sorry for such a long blog and I'm sorry if it doesn't make much sense. Also, if there are grammatical errors...get over it. I'm tired and I don't feel like proofreading! LOL! That's all for tonight! Night, Bloggers!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

#45 Read all of the Tudor books by Philipa Gregory

Today I finished reading The Virgin's Lover by Philipa Gregory. This wraps up the Tudor series written by this author. I have to say that I can't wait to read more about Elizabeth I. I really enjoyed this book. Gregory painted a different picture of Elizabeth from what I was expecting. I expected her to be this hard core biatch! LOL! She was certainly was not hard core in this novel. I have another novel written about her, but I don't have time to read it right now. A Thousand Acres is the next novel I'm reading. It's one of the books required for UNA. I don't have anything else to say tonight. Night, Bloggers!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

I Love My Saturdays!!!

Today I have enjoyed sleeping late and being very lazy! I had planned on getting up at a reasonable hour and heading to the school to get some things done up there, but instead I've been watching Lifetime movies all day! LOL! I love Lifetime. Tonight 'Fab Five: The Texas Cheerleader Scandal' comes on and I'm very excited about it. I know...I'm a dork! I did manage to get my letters for my classroom painted. I can't wait to see how they look above my door. I also started on some other school things that I need to get done. Oh yeah! I also ordered our tickets for the 'Old Crow Medicine Show' concert in October. Zac and I love this band. We've heard they put on an excellent show. Well, that's about all I have to say tonight. Later, Bloggers!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

First Day Back at Work

Hello Bloggers! Yes, I made it through our first day back at work. Actually, I had a pretty good day. It seems that things on our hallway are definitely changing and it is definitely for the best. Amanda has completed her move to our hall and it is great having her right next door. It is going to be so great to have my two best friends right beside me every day! We also have a new lady teaching on our hall and she seems very sweet. I think she is going to be a great addition to the staff. I hope the kids respond well to her. Between running back and forth between Jaime and Amanda's rooms I worked on cleaning out file folders from my desk drawers, organizing the posters I want to hang, and working on the schedules with Dr. Young. I probably didn't get as much accomplished as I should have, but we did have a long boring morning in the library and then we took a long lunch. Lunch went better than expected. The English department and the new Science teacher decided to eat at Casa Blanca and surprisingly certain people that have been VERY negative in the past seem to have changed their attitudes about the teaching profession. We expected a lot of griping and fussing, but it turned out to be pleasant conversation about summer. How refreshing! It seems that everyone is in good spirits and it's contagious. I went in this morning with a sort of numb feeling towards the start of the new school year. Now, I'm kind of excited.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Bye Bye Summer

My summer officially ended today when I left Zac's house. We had so much fun together on our "vacation". I hate that it had to come to an end. I didn't get much accomplished during this time, but I don't mind. Zac and I both just wanted to relax and not having anything to worry about and that's exactly what we did.

Zac filled out his application for graduate school today. I'm very proud of him. I did give him a hard time about it telling him that soon we would be staying up late together trying to get all of our reading done and cursing the professors for assigning all of it! :)

We officially go back to work tomorrow. I'm sad, but also excited! I've had a good summer, but I think it's time to get back to some sort of schedule. I haven't done anything in my room and I don't even have any of my letters home or syllabi for my students. I know that I have plenty of time to get all this done. Especially, since Zac is going to come over this weekend and help me get things hung in my classroom. I'm so lucky to have him!

Well, that's all for tonight, Bloggers! I hope everyone is having a great week! The weekend is almost here! :)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Zac and I just got home from Chattanooga and I thought I would sit down and blog about the events of the last few days.

Sunday Zac and I went to the Botanical Gardens in Huntsville. I can now mark that off my list. That place is so beautiful, but it was soooo hot! We were both drenched by the time we got done walking all of it. I really enjoyed the nature walks and the aquatic garden was very nice. One of my favorite parts was seeing the Garden of Hope which was designed by and dedicated to cancer patients. It was very beautiful and inspiring.

After we rested up from our Botanical Gardens trip we decided we would head to the Monaco to watch a flick. Zac and I both wanted to see the new X-Files movie since we have both watched every episode of the series. The movie wasn't playing in the VIP section so we settled for the regular showing. The movie was good, but I have to say I prefer the Rave theatre to the Monaco. I just wasn't that impressed with it. I may feel differently when I visit the VIP area.

Monday, we visited Mama for a while and ate lunch with her. Zac doesn't get to see her very often so we thought this would be a good time to catch up. After that we decided to head back to Zac's house.

Today, we went to downtown Chattanooga to eat dinner with Zac's mom at The Mellow Mushroom. I love this restaurant! They serve the best pizza ever! Although I was excited about our trip to the Mushroom I was not so excited about some of the other events that happened while we were up there. I had noticed on our way into Downtown that there were more homeless looking people around than I usually see when we visit. I mentioned it to Zac and he kinda just shook it off. It put me on my guard. Zac and I found a parking lot quickly, but there was not an attendant there and we did not have 5 dollars in change or 5 dollars bills period to put into the very small holes that are assigned to each parking space. We decided we would get the change at the restaurant and pay it when we came back. So, we ate. And then we went to Ben and Jerry's to get some delicious ice cream. While we were sitting in front of the store eating our desserts this freako woman comes up to us and tells us that she is the only "street poet" in Chattanooga and she would like to share some of her poetry with us in return for some money so that she could get out of the rain! OMG!!! Zac, being the very soft hearted man he is tells her to proceed. So, she recites this very crappy short poem for us. It was soooo awkward!!!!!!!! So, Zac gave her some money and I thought she was going to walk away. Oh noo!!! She then sees our leftovers from the Mushroom and says, " I see you have some leftovers. If you don't want them I'll take them." Can you believe this? I quickly interrupted her and told her that we wanted our leftovers. I was not letting that psycho get my pizza! The nerve of her!!! Then to top it all off when we got back to our car we had gotten a parking ticket!!! Even though we got a ticket we had a good time and I will definitely never forget the freako street poet! I hope all the Bloggers are having a good week!

*** James and Amanda - has there been anything interesting going on the school? :)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Teach With Your Heart

Zac and I have had a great day together. He came over early this morning to start our "vacation". We're not going anywhere paticular on this vacation of ours. We're just spending much needed time together and doing things we've always wanted to do around the Huntsvill/Sand Mountain area. Today, we ate at Chili's (one of our favorites), shopped around Best Buy and the new Barnes and Noble. I must say I'm really diggin' the new B&N store! While I was there I found a super book by Erin Gruwell called, "Teach with Your Heart". It picks up where Freedom Writers left off and tells about their journeys through college and such. It is also supposed to have lessons for parents and teachers. I'm really looking forward to getting into it and getting motivated to go back to my little darlings! Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Night, Bloggers!

BTW James, you outdid yourself on the video! :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Why do I hide?

This morning I was awakened by a loud, persistant knock on my door. Although I had called in a repair order for my kitched sink a day or so ago I was not dressed for any sort of company. The typical procedure for maintenance at my apartment complex is to knock for a while and if no one answers they use the key to come in and do the work that has been ordered. Of course, they always leave a work order to let you know that they have been there. I knew the next step would be for the maintenance man to try to come in. So, I jumped up, threw on my robe, and locked myself in the bathroom. I have no idea why I did this. You see, I had the door bolted so even a key cannot open the door. It had to be unlocked from the inside. So, why in the world did I feel the need to lock myself away? I guess it's just a natural reaction from a woman who lives alone. Anytime someone knocks on my door, if I'm not expecting someone, I always run and hide! I know some of you who have lived alone can understand this. Not much else to report today, Bloggers!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Shoppin' Gals

Several great things happened today! I went shopping for school supplies with James and Amanda and we had a great time. We found some good deals on different items such as folders and pens and such. I know this probably seems boring to most, but school supplies just make my day! We went to Off Campus and thanks to Jaime I got a super cute calendar set for my classroom. I'm so excited about it! I'm not exactly sure James meant for me to have it, but I ended up with it anyway and there were not enough for my two gals to get one. We will be hunting them down so that of course we can all match! The second SUPER GREAT thing that happened today was that I found my Sharpie Pens - no bleed throughs!!!!! How great is that? I've been looking for these since I saw the new David Beckham commercial and I finally found them today! I love them!!!!!!!!! I'm such a pen freak. I shouldn't buy anymore, but I can't help it. They are another obsession of mine! When we got back to my apartment I checked my mail and finally my "Makin' the Grade" cricut cartridge that I ordered from Ebay almost a month ago came in. I am so upset with this seller. After two emails to the seller I finally had to file a claim with Ebay saying I had not received the item. The seller kept telling me the item had been shipped and it should be here any day. Whateva!!! On the shipping package it showed where the person had not shipped it until Monday! He/She did not ship it until I filed a claim! That just really gets my goat!!! Anyway, I'm thrilled that it finally came in and in time for Friday's big scrapping party.

Since I feel like I'm quickly running out of time I'm setting some goals for myself tomorrow. I'm definitely going to clean out my Jeep. I was so embarrassed when the girls got in it today. It's horrible. So, I have to get that done. If I don't I won't be able to fit all my stuff in it to take to Scrapbook day! I also want to get up to the school and see if I can get some work done. Those are my two major goals. I think I can handle them.

Alright, enough for tonight Bloggers! Hope all are having great nights!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Not much to report today...

I've a pretty blah day today. I did manage to do some things I've been putting off for a while, so that makes me feel a little better. Last night I decided to do a makeover for my blog. I like it a lot better this way. I didn't like the way my posts were spilling over the background divider line. I also made a new counter, but I think I have my days wrong. Oh well, I'm not going to worry about that right now.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Jaime and Amanda are coming to Huntsville and we are going to do a little back to school shopping. I hope it's a little anyway because my cash flow is quickly drying up. I would also like to get up to the school and get some work done, but I don't know if that will happen. I worked on some lessons last night and a little today, but I really feel like I need to be up at the school where all of my resources are.

That's about all I have to report tonight. I'm off to watch some TV, maybe Sheer Genius!!! Toodles, Bloggers!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Catching Up

I had so many things in my mind that I wanted to blog about, but now they seemed to have slipped away! Let's see if I can remember.

I met Jaime and Amanda up at the school this morning. Our plan was to work on some scheduling for one of the advanced classes, help Amanda start packing up her room, and just piddle around in general. Our plans quickly changed when Amanda found black tarps draped over everything in her room. They decided to put a new roof over that part of the building and now she's not allowed in her room until they are done! Very nice! Now, we are only going to have about a week to get her moved and ready for school to start. So, giving up on that quest we went to the counselor to discuss schedules. Jaime got very sick, turning white as a sheet. Amanda and I were very concerned about her, since she's usually healthy as a horse! She decided to her school day short and go home, so Amanda and I headed to Chick-Fil-A to grab a quick lunch and then to Wal-Mart to see what deals we could find. By the way, props to me for eating a salad for lunch! :) Anyway, boy did we find a good deal. Wal-Mart had certain Cricut cartridges on Clearance. Amanda and I each got one for 20 dollars each. Wowza! Considering these are normally anywhere from 35 to 60 or more dollars each, these were very cheap. We also got some necessary school items, but I did not find my much anticipated Sharpie pens that do not bleed through paper. See, I'm sorta a freak about pens. I mean I have a million of them. I love Sharpies and I can't wait till I can find these new pens in stores. I know, I'm an idiot! Oh well! So, that was pretty much my day. I came home and took a nap -shocker! I had a good time with the girls while it lasted, but it was way too short!

I've also finished reading The Queen's Fool by Philipa Gregory. This is the fourth book of the Tudor series. It was very good, but none of them have compared so far with The Other Boleyn Girl. Even though these are ficiton novels, Gregory does a great deal of research in order to write these books and she tells you at the end of each novel what parts were created by her and what parts she took from actual history. She also gives you a list of where she did her research. So, I'm now reading the last book in the series, The Virgin's Lover. This mainly deals with Queen Elizabeth, Anne Boleyn's daughter, and her favorite courtier Robert Dudley. I think I'm really going to enjoy this novel because I've heard that Elizabeth was a real bitch (excuse my language) and I'm very interested in learning more about her. If she was anything like her mother, I'm going to love reading about her.

Not suprisingly, I've discovered a new reality show that I am hearting very much. Mama convinced me to watch Sheer Genius the other night when she stayed with me and I loved it from the get go. I've been Tivo'ing it so I can catch up on all the reruns. I think Amelia may have mentioned this show in one of her blogs. There is this one guy on the show who is so gay! He's hilarious. He was commenting on one of the haircuts and said it was "fugly"! I absolutely cracked up when he said that because it reminded me of Amanda saying that all the time. I think that's such a funny word!

Well, I better get off of here and get something accomplished for the day. Honestly, I have a lot to do before school starts, but I'm not caring! What has gotten into me? It's so great to not care, but also a little scary! Goodnight, bloggers!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Super Saturday Night Date

Zac kind of took me by surprise when he got home from work this afternoon. I had not expected to go anywhere today or to do much at all really. He suggested we head to the Rave in Chattanooga and watch the new Batman movie. I was all for this. I have wanted to see this movie since I heard it was coming out. I absolutely love Christian Bale, who plays Batman, and I was very interested in seeing Heath Ledger's role as the Joker. Let me just say neither one of them disappointed me. Christian Bale is the best Batman in my opinion, perhaps I feel this way just because I have a thing for him. However, Heath Ledger's Joker was amazing, and I'm not saying that because of his passing. He really did an outstanding job and I highly recommend anyone to see this movie. Maggie Gyllanhall (spelling?) is also in this one and I think she did a great job. Zac doesn't completely agree on that one though. He thought she didn't fit the role. Anywho, besides a very rude lady continually kicking my chair during the movie, I had a great time.

After the movie I easily persuaded Zac to go to El Mason, one of my favorite Mexican places, to eat dinner. This place has great food and atmosphere. While we ate we were entertained by the goofy, yet very friendly Eddie Pontiac. He sang many songs that I normally like very much. Just kidding, he wasn't that bad. As we were getting ready to leave our waiter decided he would sing a few songs. He was incredible. I wish he had been singing the entire time we were there. He sang in Spanish and it was just so beautiful. The first song was LaBamba, and he sang I Can Be Your Hero. Normally, I don't really like the Hero song much, but when he sang it it was great. I even took a picture of the entertainers but I don't have my cable with me so I can't upload it right now, but I will putting in up later on.

On the way home from our date Zac and I entertained ourselves by singing acappella. It was so much fun. I love to listen to him sing. He tries to get me to sing to him, but I can't carry a tune for anything and I always get so embarrassed.

Anywho, I'm off to bed now. I hope everyone is having a good, relaxing weekend.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Have love will travel....

Here you go, James! :)

I am writing this in Zac's very peaceful house. The only noise is coming from the fans we have going and from Frank, Zac's deaf cat, playing in the laundry room. Zac is at work, and I'm impatiently waiting on him to come for lunch.

I came over here yesterday afternoon and I plan to spend the weekend with him and leave on Sunday. This is one of the greatest perks of summer vacation. I'm able to spend so much more time with him. We got off to a rocky start yesterday. Honestly, I was an emotional wreck. Who knows why! After about an hour of sobbing we were on the same page again. You know girls, sometimes we just have to let it all go and cry till we're dehydrated! Anyway, after my emotions settled down Zac and I had one of the most wonderful nights together that we've had in a long time. There were no televisions, no computers, no was just me and him talking and laughing and having a great time together.

Some people do not believe that long distance relationships can work. I see this question on a lot of myspace bulletins...haha....I believe that you have to have a most special relationship with someone in order for it to work. I can't imagine that it would have worked out if it was anyone other than Zac. I think that it has taught us to enjoy and be grateful for the times we do spend together and I also think we are able to show each other the lengths we will go to ensure that we get to see each other. Does that make sense? So, I guess my answer to that question is ... long distance relationships aren't for everyone. Zac and I have been very lucky and I wouldn't change a thing about our relationship for the past 4 1/2 years.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Quality Time

I've had a pretty laid back day today. Mama called me last night to tell me she had an appointment for some blood work on Thursday and she wanted to know if I could take her. I jumped at the chance because this would mean she would stay the night with me. I love when we have nights like this when it's just the two of us and we can hang out like we used to do when I lived at home. I picked her up this afternoon and we came back to my apartment, ate lunch, and both of us zonked out in the living room for afternoon naps. We have spent the evening eating Chinese food and watching reality shows on TV. I try to make Mama as comfortable as possible when she is here since she suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, reoccurring shingles, and severe nerve damage from the shingles. She seems to make herself at home and I hope that she is truly comfortable here. Since the summer is coming to an end I think we will only have time for one more sleepover before school starts, but we will just have to make time for them during the school year!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Running Total

I've decided that instead of blogging daily about the exercise I am doing (because that's really boring) I'm going to keep a running blog of what I do daily. I know that no one is going to read this, but it will help me!

Tues 7/8: walked
Wed 7/9: walked
Tues 7/15: walked/back exercises
Wed 7/16: back exercises
Thurs 7/17: walked/back exercises
Friday 7/18: walked
Sat 7/19:
Sun 7/20:

Hitting us for all we're worth...

I am currently working on my master's degree in English at the University of North Alabama. Along with most other graduate students I have been forced to apply for student loans to pay for the overpriced tuition. I understand that graduate courses should cost more than undgrad courses, that's not what really gets me. What really gets me is that I am working on my degree in order to become a better teacher. As teachers we are all the time being told that continuing education is the key to success. This is not something that is suggested to us - we have to fulfill certain hours of continuing education to get our teaching certificates renewed. I realize there are other ways of getting these hours other than taking graduate classes, but the degree is the only way to get the raise. Why must teachers, who are way underpaid as it is, put themselves and their families into years of debt by taking out enormous student loans just to get a small raise and a few credit hours? It seems to me that there should be some sort of grant program for teachers who are working on master's degrees. This is only my opinion and I'm sure that nothing will ever happen concerning it, especially since our country and particularly the state of Alabama have a hard enough time realizing that the schools our children attend need to funded in order to be successful! Imagine that!!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Weight Loss Journey Update!

So, I haven't blogged about this in a few days and I was starting to feel a little guilty about it. I haven't done so well on the eating front. Sweet and cokes are my arch nemesis, without a doubt! I have been bombarded with sweets from all sides it seems and I haven't done my best turning them down. I've also turned to Dr. Pepper when I'm thirsty instead of water.

On the positive side, I've been more active this week than I have in a long time. I've walked several times on the tread mill and done lots of activities around the house and outside.

My goal for this coming week is to cut Dr. Pepper to one can a day, the rest should be water, juice, or tea. I'm also going to try to cut out sweets. I'm going to walk at least 3 times this week and do my back exercises at least 4 days this week. Wish me good luck!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

What a Day...

Today has been extremely long, but extremely productive. My day started at about 3:50 AM when we all got up to get things ready for the yardsale. Oh my, was it muggy outside at 4:00 in the morning! After not more than 15 min I was drenched! Ugh! The yard sale was a success, I think. But, we still had tons of stuff left when it was over with. On my way home I dropped off my remaining items at the Hangar Thrift store (it was the closest thing around) and thus I had accomplished two of my goals on 101/1001 list! Alright!!!

I showered and crashed after I got home while I waited on Mama to get to my apartment. We had plans to do some baking. So, I actually got some more goals marked off because I tried a new recipe...Blackberry Cobbler....and I baked my brother the long awaited chocolate chip cookies. 4 items done! I'm on a roll!

I'm also collecting recipes to start the recipe box that I put on my list. I'm just too wore out to write them down right now.

I swear, I'm exhausted. My feet back hurts...I can't think straight. It was a fun and productive day, but I'm glad it's over!

Childhood All Over Again!

It's almost 1:00 AM and I am sitting in Amanda's den watching Clueless while Jaime is on the other couch reading Lonesome Dove. We are having a pre-yard sale slumber party! We have to get up in about 3 hours so Amanda has gone to bed to get some much needed rest for her and Camden. Jaime commented earlier that she felt like she was 16 again and I had made the comment before that that if anyone sees our blogs or myspace status updates (Scrapbook Days, slumber parties, etc.) they will think we're idiots. But ya know, I don't feel like I'm 26 and doing things like this is part of what keeps people young. Why shouldn't we have slumber parties just because some are married and some are married and pregnant? Just because I'm a 26 year old English teacher doesn't mean that I don't like to do silly things like sit around watching old stupid movies and being silly with the girls. We didn't eat supper until about 11:00 and we were riding around at 10:30 putting out yard sale signs. I love being able to do whatever, whenever! So, here's to staying young and doing silly things just because they make you happy!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

My Hero

Today I spent the day at Mama's gathering things to put in the yard sale on Saturday. Grandaddy happened to have a free day from farming with Uncle Bob so he volunteered to help me. He never fails to amaze me by his energy, patience, consideration, and overall great outlook on life. He is 90 years old and has more energy now than I think I ever have. He kept up with me all day and made sure that I didn't do anything that would hurt my back. You should have seen him! I always worry about the things he insists on doing because I'm afraid it will be too much for him, especially since he had open heart surgery about two years ago. But no matter how much worry and fuss I make he persists.

We were loading up my Jeep this afternoon and he became very adamant that I not lift any of the bags into the Jeep. I was going to completely ignore these instructions, but I soon remembered that you don't do things that Grandaddy has told you not to! :) He loaded my Jeep for me to ensure that I didn't do anything harmful. After we finished with the yard sale stuff we took a break. Actually, I layed down on Mama's bed and took a nap and Grandaddy continued to piddle around.

I have always been amazed at him. He has always been so patient with me, teaching me things and letting me make mistakes on my own. He has always had so much energy - tiring everyone else around him. One would think that at 90 his energy would be very low. Ha! That's a joke. Grandaddy continues to visit friends in the nursing home, teach Sunday school, participate in church activities, farm, and work tirelessly on anything he can find. I pray that I can make a quarter of the impact on my family and friends that he has made on his. He is my hero!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day Two and Three ~ Move It!

Okay, so I didn't have time to blog yesterday about my day's activities. I'll just combine them into one day. I was proud of myself yesterday because I walked on the treadmill. It wasn't an extremely long time, but hey - I did it! I actually ate a salad last night for supper although I did have some rolls which I could have done without. But, I did get the veggies in! I found a super great grocery store called The Fresh Market. Their produce is the most beautiful I have ever seen. It looks as if they have hand polished each piece of fruit to shine and it all smells incredible! They are a little pricey, so I won't be shopping their often.

Today, I walked on the treadmill for five minutes longer than I did yesterday. I'm very proud of that! It's just like Amanda said, "baby steps!" That's exactly what I'm going to have to do. Take it very slow and be proud of the small things I accomplish. I told myself I was going to drink at least two bottles of water today, but I didn't make it. I will work harder on that tomorrow.

So far, so good! I pray that I continue to have the strength and will power to continue my journey!

By the way, I am working on my 101 list. Be patient and it will come! :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

101 Things in 1001 days!!!

It's done! Here is my list. I'm suprised at how hard it was to create. I'm excited to get started on accomplishing these goals!!!

1. Finish Camden's baby present.
2. Lose at least 30 pounds. (add $20 to fund for completing this one!!!)
3. Take a cake decorating class.
4. Watch Lonesome Dove.
5. Complete master's degree.
6. Blog at least twice a week.
7. Read at least one book a month.
8. Walk at least three times a week.
9. Get a pedicure and manicure.
10. Buy a new outfit.
11. Give old clothes to charity.
12. Bake my brother chocolate chip cookies. (7/12/08)
13. Create recipe box with Mama's and Grandmother's recipes. (in progress)
14. Send flowers to someone.
15. Get a new piece of jewelry.
16. Clean out unused shower and bathroom amenities.
17. Get a houseplant and keep it alive.
18. Attend a scrapbook class/convention.
19. Find a wine that I really like.
20. Go on an Alaskan cruise.
21. Visit mama at least once a week.
22. Cook a special dinner for me and Zac including dessert.
23. Have Mama and Paul over for dinner.
24. Have Daddy and Phyllis over for dinner.
25. Paint my living room.
26. Subscribe to one scrapbook magazine.
27. Drink water everyday.
28. Do back exercises at least 4 times a week.
29. Pay off laptop.
30. Either move into a house or a downstairs apartment.
31. Organize scrapbook area in living room.
32. Clean out refridgerator once a month.
33. Clean out the Jeep and vaccuum it.
34. Watch ten new movies (0/10)
35. Buy fruit and vegetables at the Fresh Market.
36. Eat at least one salad a week. (1/?)
37. Buy new sheets for my bed.
38. Get Married.
39. Complete at least one scrapbook album.
40. Learn how to bake 5 new desserts. (1/5)
41. Learn how to cook 5 new recipes. (0/5)
42.Create a handmade gift for each of my closest friends.
43. Check mailbox once a week.
44. Declutter my kitchen and living room.
45. Read all of the Tudor books by Philipa Gregory. (5/5) 8/3/2008
46. Reread the Harry Potter Series.
47. Get a massage.
48. Watch a sunset with Zac.
49. Adopt an elderly person at Christmas.
50. Buy flowers for myself.
51. Watch a movie at the Monaco with Zac. 7/27/2008
52. Visit Cathedral Caverns with Zac.
53. Take a horse-drawn carriage ride at Christmas time with Zac.
54. Get all seasons of Roseanne.
55. Catch up on Grey's Anatomy.
56. Watch a Shakespeare play at the Shakespeare Festival.
57. Visit the Smokey Mountains.
58. Go to a casino.
59. Get a willow tree figure.
60. Get another Jim Shore piece.
61. Learn how to use patterns to sew on sewing machine.
62. Visit the dermatologist.
63. Learn more about becoming a 31 consultant.
64. Get a new cell phone.
65. Get a dark tan.
66. Take a picture of Una and Leo.
67. Organize my classroom filing cabinets.
68. Take pictures of a thunderstorm.
69. Spend time with Tiffanie.
70. Reconnect with old softball friends.
71. Tell Zac how happy he makes me every chance I get.
72. Put together an 8th grade graduation ceremony.
73. Visit Amanda, David, and Camden in the hospital.
74. Buy a new pair of jeans.
75. Get a haircut.
76. Actually read the required books for my Novel Studies class. (1/9)
77. Buy a candle.
78. Participate in a yard sale. (7/12/08)
79. Soak in a hot tub.
80. Go camping.
81. Go to a concert.
82. Find my IPOD.
83. Get another tattoo.
84. Get five cartridges for Cricut (2/5).
85. Frame a picture of me and Zac.
86. Help plan baby shower.
87. Watch Sex and the City movie.
88. Update address book.
89. Buy the new New Kids On the Block cd.
90. Find and buy the popcorn seasoning I like so much!
91. Make pink stuff!
92. Successfully make chocolate covered strawberries.
93. Put curtains up in living room.
94. Meet five new people (1/5).
95. Attend family reunion. (7/13/08)
96. Have/attend slumber party.
97. Take a road trip with Jaime and Amanda. (7/14/08)
98. Plant flowers.
99. Go to a museum.
100. Visit the Botanical Gardens in Huntsville. 7/27/2008
101. Put $5 away for every goal I accomplish. ($20.00 so far!)

Monday, July 7, 2008

The Scrapateers!

Jaime, Amanda, and I have worked together going on four years at Tanner High School. I never imagined when I started this job that I would meet two of the best friends I've ever had. I honestly don't know what I would do without these two. We have recently become addicted to scrapbooking, and man do I mean addicted! Although I have spent a ton of money this summer on scrapbook supplies I don't look at scrapbook as a money pit. Jaime, Amanda, and I try to get together at least once a month if we can to scrapbook and we have the best time! We talk, laugh, and just enjoy having girl time! During these crop sessions we get a chance to learn more about each other's lives. For example, Amanda has been working very hard on Camden's baby album and she is doing an outstanding job on it. I told her the other day that Camden's future wife will be very grateful to her one day because she will have such a detailed, not to mention super cute, scrapbook of her husband's childhood. So, while Amanda is working on this album we get a chance to talk about what Camden will be like and some of the experiences Amanda is going through during her pregnancy. Jaime has been working on her Wedding albums and an album dedicated to her and Brandon. This has given Amanda and me an opportunity to learn more about Jaime's experience while planning her wedding and also her experiences as a new wife. I probably take in more than the two of them know because I'm looking forward to getting married one day and having children of my own. I guess you could say I'm learning from two of my best friends. I admire them for who they are and the things they do. So, I guess my point is that my addiction to scrapbooking is not all about discovering all the latest scrapbook trends and creating super cute pages. It's also about spending time with my best friends. I'm sure that many other people have also found this to be the case. If you're a scrapbooker I hope that you have the opportunity to crop with others. It's a great way to get to know more about people! Happy Scrapping to you all!!! Posted by Picasa

Day One ~ Move It!!!

I just spoke to Zac and he joyfully informed me of his successful day. He ate healthy and he even jogged/walked two miles. I am super proud of him, but I am also a little jealous. :) I did not do as well as he did. I dove into the carbs today and didn't walk as much as I should have. Although I had some pretty intense back pain I still wish I could have been able to walk through it. I did try, however, once Jaime and Amanda left (scrapbook day). I began my walk around the track but the pain was just too bad so I came back in. Zac has challenged me to see how much I can walk tomorrow ~ maybe I can catch up with him since he will not be able to exercise tomorrow. If I can't keep up with his level of activity I'm not going to kick myself because I know that he is in much better shape than I am and any activity I do is better than nothing. The key is to move!!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Ever Dreaded Weight Loss Journey

I have often thought of creating an online journal to document my progress in losing weight. The problem lately has been that I haven't been trying very hard to lose it although I have spoke of it often. Another reason I have not created an online journal is that I thought it would be embarrassing to have everyone know my thoughts about my weight and I was afraid I would be judged on my weight loss actions. However, I have reached a point where I am very uncomfortable with the way I look and the way my clothes fit me. I am the heaviest I have ever been and I hate it!!! My back surgery recovery has reached a great point to where I am in less pain than I have been in several years and I believe that if I can lose the weight that I put on after my surgery then I will feel even better. I am going to try to be as honest as I can although I don't think many people will be reading this.

So, in being honest I will say that I have put on at least 30 pounds since my back surgery in December of 2006. I am not yet honest enough to post my actual weight! :) Sorry!

My boyfriend, Zac, is also going on this most wonderful adventure with me! We've decided that our most important goal right now is to become more active. We don't eat great, but our activity level is absolutely horrible! Today was not a great day as far as activity goes. Zac and I didn't do anything but watch television while he was here. After he left I did get out my Swiss exercise ball and do my back exercises, so that's a plus!

I realize that this is going to be hard because I have let myself go too long without watching what I eat and without exercising. It has to be taken one day at a time. Hopefully, having this blog will hold me accountable. Even if no one reads it I can pretend that someone does! :) Now, I'm going to get my house clean so that Jaime and Amanda can come over to scrapbook tomorrow!

Venturing Out

Okay, so I gave in! Obviously, it doesn't take much to convince me to do something since it only took one of my best friends to convince me I need to create a blog. This is something brand new to me and oddly I find it very exciting. I like trying new things, especially things that let me express myself.

I guess the first thing I should do is talk a little about myself. You'll have to excuse me if I ramble. It's 12:30 at night and I couldn't sleep so I decided I might as well do something useful. I'm dating the most wonderful man in the world, Zac Troxtel. We met at Athens State University. In December of 2008 we will have been dating for five years. I can't wait until the day we make the decision to spend the rest of our lives together. I am so thankful the Lord put Zac in my life. When I think about the reasons I love him so much and why I am so sure I want to be with him forever one thought comes into my mind, "Everything is right when I am with him".

I have two cats, Annabelle and Ollie. Annabelle is the oldest. I adopted her from Petsmart when I first moved into my apartment. She is such a beautiful cat. She loves having me at home, especially during the summer when I am home the most. She follows me around my apartment staring and purring at me. Ollie is the smallest and the youngest. I rescued her from Oliver Feed Mill (where Zac works) when she was just a very tiny kitten. I was very anxious when I brought her home because she and Annabelle did not get along very well at all. It took them some time to get used to each other, but now they are inseperable. Ollie is a very loving cat and one of her favorite things to do is lay in my lap or on top of me when I am sleeping.

I am a middle school English teacher. I love my job as a teacher although many days I find it very frustrating. I feel that being a teacher is more of a calling than a choosing. I'm not sure if that makes sense though. Kids at this age are very impressionable and I feel it's very important as a society that we take the time to teach them morals and such. Today's children are often lacking the parental support they need to be successful in life and I hope that the small role I play in their lives will have a positive influence on them.

I have been blessed with a fantastic family. They have always been there for me and I have no doubt they always will be there. Our family has been through a lot during the last few years. My dad had a heart attack a year and a half ago, I had major back surgery with some icky complications, my grandaddy had open heart surgery, and mama found out she has rheumatoid arthritis on top of reoccurring shingles and the complications that go along with that. I believe these setbacks have shown me how important family is. There are very few constants in life and I firmly believe that family is one of them.