Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekend Events

This weekend was great and I really needed to unwind after Friday's shocker. I found out Friday that I made a horrible grade on my first paper for my novel studies class. This is probably the worst grade I've made since I've been in college. I honestly went in to panic mode when I saw my grade. So, needless to say I needed to unwind.

Saturday, Zac came over. I was sooo glad to see him. I miss him so much during the week. We headed early to Bridgestreet to do a little shopping at B &N and some window shopping before Jaime's b-day dinner. I found lots of books and three handmade African turtle candles that I had to have. I also got a jump start on Christmas shopping. I found a great gift for my sis-in-law. It was great seeing everyone Sat. night. I hope that Jaime had a good time.

Today, Zac and I lounged around just enjoying each other's company. I was sad to see him leave tonight.

I hope each of you have a great week.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I miss Edward already!

So, I finally finished Breaking Dawn last night. I have mixed feelings about it. I think the book was really good, but I do feel that it dragged on in certain areas. At the end of the book I kept expecting the Volturri to attack the other vampires and it never happened. I think I'm glad that it didn't happen because I really didn't want to see any of the good characters die, and I didn't want to see Bella send Nessie away never to see her again. I'm curious how others feel about the whole non-fight scene.

I honestly teared up when Bella was preparing the backpack for Renesmee. I was proud that Bella had grown up enough to put her daughter's safety before her own selfishness. I also didn't think I was going to like Nessie at all. But, I'm going to miss her, too.

I'm very happy that the family was able to stay together and Edward and Bella were able to return to the "cottage of passion"...LOL....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fall Break is Great!

Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a good week so far. Limestone County is on Fall Break this week and I'm loving it. I can't tell you how much we all needed a break from the kids and basically, just getting up and going to work everyday. I spent Monday going to the doctor and to class. The doctor's visit went well. She said my insulin levels were adjusting, but she fussed at me for not exercising like I should...Same ol' story...Class was better Monday night. One of the women that really gets on my nerves was absent, so that made for a little more pleasantness. However, the other woman that knows anything and everything was there and she sat right next to me. In between showing off for the professor she continously snorted trying to clear her sinuses. Ugh! Disgusting! I wanted to tell her to go to the bathroom and take care of that business but I resisted.

Tuesday, I picked Mama up and we headed to town for some shopping. She has severe nerve damage over her entire right side and the doctor has told her to take up some hobbies involving her hands to try to get some strength back in her hands, shoulder, and arm. So, we headed to the Hob and let me tell you Mama went nuts in there. It's been a very long time since she's been in that store. She found baskets for her house and some very cute cross-stitching projects. We had so much fun in there. I think we will def have to go back and do some Christmas shopping. After that we headed to Wal-Mart. All I can say about that is that it was a trip to Wal-Mart. I hate going there and really try to avoid it when I can. But there are things that you just need to get from them. We headed home after that and I stayed the night with her. Paul, my step-dad, is on a two-week hunting trip somewhere up north and it gave me and Mama a chance to have some girl time.

I spent today laying on the couch, reading, and watching tv. I haven't felt great today because I tried to up my dosage of my glucophage. The doctor told me it was my choice to stay at the same dosage or up it. Obviously, my body still cannot handle more than 2 pills a night and I'm not going to try it anymore. It's just not worth it to me.

Tomorrow, James and I are going to see Amanda and Camden. I'm so excited. I wish we were able to see Amanda more. It's just not the same with her not around all the time. Not to mention she has that beautiful baby that I love to hold!

Anyway, I think that's all I have to say for now. Btw, good luck to Amelia and Landon. I hope everything goes well when it's time for Landon to come into the world! :) Have a good week everyone!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday Night with my honey! :)

I'm sitting at Zac's house right now proudly watching him working on his school work. That's right! His master's classes started Monday and he has been working extremely hard. We have both quickly realized that it is going to take some extra patience on both parts in order to stay sane with both us in school and working full time. I have all the faith in the world that things are going to get even better from here.

I'm super excited that Amanda is probably on her way to the hospital right now to get ready for the arrival of Camden! I can't wait to meet this little boy! I'm can't put into words how happy I am for Amanda and David. They have been through so much and deserve all the happiness in the world. I know that Camden will bring them just that.

This week was Homecoming Week at Tanner. Yes, I'm sure you can imagine all the fun we had with that! Monday was....well I don't really remember Monday right now. Tuesday was...hmmm....okay, Wednesday was Twin day - students picked a friend and they dressed just alike. Jaime and I tried to pull this one off, but she doesn't check her texts very often (kidding, James!) We did end up dressing pretty close. Thursday was stoplight day - green if your single, yellow if its complicated, and red if your taken. It was cute to see what the kids were wearing. I have to say I enjoyed today because the teachers were allowed to wear jeans. This is a rarity! It was also Mardi Gras Day, so there were beads galore and masks, too. Homecoming is always very interesting.

Fall Break is coming up in about a week and can't tell you how ready I am!!!! I so need some time off from work and mostly from driving. I feel like I drive nonstop everyday! I'm so sick of it! I'm constantly trying to come up with a solution to how I can cut back on the driving, but so far nothing has popped up.

I hope everyone has a good weekend. Enjoy the weather!