Thursday, July 22, 2010

Don't freak out....I'm okay....I just decided to blog....

Yes, yes, I know. It's been almost a year since my last blog-or have I already passed that mark? Anyway, all that matters is I am here now! There is so much to catch up on around here, but I think I will start with my summer.

I have not gotten anything accomplished this summer-but that's okay with me. Inhave had a lot of things happen and I am just thankful and happy that I am still sane. I'm not going to go into the details of what all has gone on because I want to remain positive - so, I'll say this...everyone os alive and healthy and for this I am for eve grateful!

So, during my summer vacay I have become addicted to some great shows! Bethenny Getting Married? Has replaced the real housewives of new York on my faves list. Bethenny just absolutely cracks me up and I seriously think we could be good friends! I look forward to her show every Thursday night!

The real housewives of new jersey is just having an "omg!" season. I really cannot imagined being as crazy as Danielle is and knowing that so many people hate me. But, it makes for some good drama for us!

Tosh.O is a show that Zac has gotten me into watching. Daniel Tosh reviews funny clips off the Internet and makes fun of them sort of like Joel does on the soup, except Tosh is pretty racy with his comments and I know I shouldn't laugh, but they are sooo funny.

Okay, so I guess this has turned into a reality show review blog. LOL! I have much more to blog about , but I am going to wrap this one up for now. Btw, for those grammar Nazis out there- I know I have lots of errors, but I just had an epidural injection in my back and I'm on pain meeds so I don't really care at the moment. :0)

I'll be less than a year this time!