Monday, December 15, 2008


Before I start my blog I would like to say that I have tried changing my background from pumpkins to something more Christmasy, but it's not get over it for now!! :)

This weekend was mine and Zac's five year anniversary. We started it off by getting up early and eating breakfast at the IHOP which was fab! Their pancakes are awesome. From there we went to get gas and ended up staying at the gast station for two and half hours because the battery in my Jeep died. Zac had been telling me for weeks that something was wrong with it and I needed to get a new one, but I didn't listen. After we tried jumping it off we decided we were going to have to walk to Wal-Mart which didn't look that far away. However, when walking the distance we found out it was a little longer than we thought. It was especially long for Zac since he carried the car battery all the way back. Bless him. He's the best man in the world. He never lectured me or even got upset with me. After getting the battery we also discovered we didn't have the tools we needed. Zac tried his best to get a stubborn bolt loose but it wouldn't work. Luckily, a car salesman from Car Max (or soemthing) named Chaz (lol) came by and saved the day. He went to the car place he worked at and got the tools we needed. Sheesh!!

Next, we met realtors to look at houses. After several disappointing houses we found two that we fell in love with. We are going back on Wednesday to look at them again. Who knows? Maybe we'll be homeowners very soon.

Sunday, we headed to the Burritt Museum to check it out. We also fell in love with this place and decided this is where we want to be married. We booked it, and Mama and I are going back on Thursday to put the deposit down and work out all the details. I can't wait till October 3 when I'll become Mrs. Troxtel. :)

Our weekend was super busy, but it was so much fun. I hope everyone is having a good week!

Monday, December 8, 2008

My oh my!

The last week or so has been extremely stressful for me. I took off work early on Thursday due to a migraine which I have been having frequently since this school semester started. I also took off on Friday and today so I could get all 30 pages of papers written for UNA. I got them done but I did make a good grade on my research paper. I swear I just don't know what this professor wants. I'm letting it go though. As long as I can make a C (which is so not what I make in school) I will be a happy camper. I will be escatic just be done with this class. I hope I never have to take him again.

Yesterday, Zac and I put up our christmas tree. We had quite a time since I had hid our ornaments from myself. We turned this apartment upside down and I finally found them in a laundry basket underneath clean clothes...don't ask!!!! Last night we went out to eat at Wing's for my brother and sis-in-laws birthdays. We had a good time. I don't get to see them enough so it was fun spending some time with them.

Today, I finished up my last paper for asshole teacher and then headed to Hazel Green to talk to a loan officer about Zac and I buying a house. Yes, we have decided that we are going to buy a house! I'm so excited and overwhelmed and nervous and scared all at the same time. Since this was a spur of the moment thing Zac did not get to go because he was at work, but oh how I wish he was there. Luckily, Mama was able to go with me and she helped me with some of the more difficult questions. I contacted a real estate agent when I got home and now we are waiting for some listings to be emailed to us! This really is an exciting time!

This weekend we've made plans to go look at the Burritt Museum where we hope to have our wedding and reception. Maybe we'll have some houses to look at by then.

I'm learning quickly that I'm going to have priorotize things that have to been done now and not worry about things that can wait until later. I've always heard how stressful these events could be and now I know everyone was telling the truth.

I'm also waiting to hear from Jaime. She went today to find out what she is having and I can't wait till she tells me!

Hope everyone is having a good week so far, even though it's only Monday! Btw, I know I have spelling errors but I don't feel like spell checking.