Saturday, November 29, 2008


The Thanksgiving holidays sure have made me realize that I have so much to be grateful for. Zac proposed to me on Wednesday night before we went to eat with his mom's family. I was so not expecting it to be that soon and that's exactly what he wanted. I had had a long day going to the doctor, hitting Wal-Mart, and cooking while he was out doing some errands that "had to be done". When he got home I got up and started getting ready for our first Thanksgiving dinner our of three. When I came out of the bathroom from doing my hair and makeup I saw that he had ironed my clothes for me to wear. I went over to the table and picked up my shirt and saw a black velvet box underneath it. I immediately thought that he had bought me a pair of earrings to trick me because I have been trying every which way to figure out how and when he was going to propose (he told me it would be before Christmas). I opened up the box and saw the gorgeous ring and immediately snapped the box shut and turned around and he was standing there watching me with a huge grin on his face. I don't remember all the details, but I know that he pulled me to him and said that he had loved me everyday for five years and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. Would I marry him. I was so shocked I had my mouth covered with both hands and all I could do was nod. We didn't have much time to spend together before we had to leave, but that was okay with me because I wanted to tell everyone! So, the last two days have been spent in a whirlwind of telling family about our engagement. It has been so much fun, but I've been so excited that I exhausted myself! better way to do it though. We've planned the wedding for October 3, 2009. That's about all the details I have so far.

In other news, Jaime and I decided to brave the crowds for Black Friday. This was my first Black Friday shopping experience and except for Jaime almost passing out on my twice, it was a pretty good one. I did not enjoy standing in line for over an hour at Kohl's at 4:00 in the morning, but the coke we had after we left was the best one of my life!!! The rest of the day was great. I bought my Engagement/Wedding scrapbook album and few things to get me started in it. I found two pairs of shoes I had to have, several things for Zac, and some Christmas items. I also found some things at the Hob that I wanted for our house. I spent too much money, but I think it was worth it.

The holidays are off to a fantastic start for me. I hope everyone else had a great Thanksgiving as well!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Today my seventh graders were taking a reading quiz on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. One of the questions was, "What is the name of the pub that Hagrid takes Harry to?" A lot of the kids didn't know what a pub was. So, one of the boys comes up to me and asks me what a pube is.... It was so funny that he pronounced pub pube and he was completely oblivious to what he had said. Just thought I would share. Maybe someone else will get a kick out it like I did.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Breaking Glasses!

So, this morning as I was sitting in first period waiting on my students to get done with their bell work so we could begin class I was looking at my reflection in my laptop. I noticed that my glasses were crooked. Zac has been telling me they were for awhile. I decided to that I would try to fix them by bending them a tad bit just to even them out. All of a sudden I had two pieces of eye glass frames lying in my hands. I freaked! I mean my frames had literally broke in two!!!! I absolutely cannot see without my glasses and I have been out of contacts for awhile now. I went to Jaime's room for comfort. She came up with the idea to email the school (yes, very embarrassing) to ask for super glue for my frames. A 5th grade teacher sent some my way but unfortunately it didn't work. Good try James! :) So, I called my mom to see if anyone was around the house that could come get the frames and take them to Wal-Mart to have them fixed. No one was around, so she called Paul, my stepdad. Paul saved the day!!! He took off from work and came to the school, picked up the glasses, took them to Wal-Mart and got new frames for me!!! What would I have done without him?!? It was definitely an experience I don't want to have again. It's very scary to be around 7th and 8th graders and not be able to see what they are doing! :P I learned my lesson and went by Wal-Mart tonight and worked out everything with my contact prescription (long story) and got my contacts. Now, I have a back up in case anything happens. What a day!!! Btw, if there are grammar errors here (I know there are), I don't care! Ha!