Sunday, March 1, 2009

Thirty One and other ramblings

I guess the biggest thing that has happened this week is I joined Thirty One Gifts as a consultant. Jaime is my "recruiter" and she has already answered tons of questions for me. I'm really excited about this adventure. I think not only will it give me an opportunity to earn some extra cash, but it will help me meet new people in my area and just mix up my routines a little. I love their products and I'm happy to be a part of this. So, on that note if there is anyone out there interested in hosting a party or getting a catalog order up just let me know! :P

Zac and I are really getting settled into the house. I emptied the last three of my boxes this weekend and we are trying our best to get rid of things we don't need and find places for everything else to go. I know it probably sounds really corny, but I finally feel at peace. The reason I say this is because for so long Zac and I have had hectic weekends and were only able to communicate by phone during the week. Now, knowing that when I get home I'm going to be able to be with him and that on the weekends we don't have to travel almost an hour and a half to see each other is such a relief. It has made such a huge difference for the both of us.

For those of you who may be wondering about our cats ( because I know that you haven't been able to sleep with worry haha) all three of them are getting along much better. It has taken a while for AnnaBelle (the oldest) to warm up to Frank (Zac's cat) but they are slowly beginning to play with each other.

Last night Zac and I ran to the store to pick up some drinks and on the way back I said that I wished we would wake up in the morning and see snow covering everything and you know what? It happened. Zac got up for something at about 5:30 this morning and woke me up and told me it had snowed. So, we both went around looking out the windows and doors like little kids trying to see how much snow we had gotten.

Jaime's baby shower is coming up next weekend and I am super excited about it. I just hope her gift that I ordered comes in on time. She has already had two showers, but I'm really looking forward to seeing what all she gets from this one. I can't wait to meet her little man!

Well, I hope everyone has a great week and I look forward to reading some blogs. Even if you think there is nothing important going on, share it anyway! :)