Friday, July 24, 2009


AnnaBelle and Ollie

Ollie being silly!

Frank was very tired on this day!

Not tired anymore!!!


C is for ...
I love me some crafts! I do have to admit that I don't always finsih the projects that I start, but I sure do love working on them. I need to get better about finishing what I start. I have several unfinished items lying around here that just beg me to complete them. Maybe I will do it some day. Some of my favorite crafts are of course scrapbooking, quilting, crocheting...I would like to being painting and making cards as well.

I never really thought of myself as a cat person until I decided to adopt AnnaBelle. Zac is allergic to dogs and has not started taking allergy shots yet, so a couple of years ago I decided to adopt AnnaBelle from PetSmart. And I'm so glad that I did. She had provided me with so much company and comfort! Not too long after I got AnnaBelle I adopted Ollie from the Feed Mill that Zac worked at. These two girls are hilarious and have stolen my heart. A third kitty was thrown into our mix when Zac and Imoved in together. Frank is so funny and full of personality. He and AnnaBelle don't quite know how they feel about each other yet, but he and Ollie quickly became boyfriend and girlfriend.
Christy is a fairly new friend of mine and I'm oh so fortunate to have met her! She is one of the kindest, most creative people I know. Jaime, Amanda, and I went to visit Christy at a craft fair last week and I was absolutely amazed at the wonderful jewelry that she is making. If she keeps this up she is going to be a very well known crafter/designer very soon! I love talking to Christy about books since we have a lot of the same tastes in them! She is a fellow Harry Potter fan and that just makes her even more awesome!
Well, I think that's all for right now guys. I may come back and add more later!


Purple Treasures said...

Well you know I am all about the crafts and cats too. I am so glad you got to come last week. I think you are pretty awesome too friend !!!!

Jaime said...

Love your Cs!! I am terrible at starting crafty projects and not finishing them. Just imagine how life will be when we FINALLY finish grad school and have free time all year long!!!! We will get so much accomplished!

azhulsey said...

LOve me some Christy and kitty cats too! We seriously need to start painting. I would love that even though I will prolly suck at it!