Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Some stuff and then "B"

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July. Zac and I spent it at Daddy's. We had a Smith family reunion and it was nice to see everyone. The Smith family hasn't had a reunion since I can remember. My aunt brought me the hankerchief that my mom gave to my Nana when she and Daddy married. I was very glad to get it and I am working on some way to incorporate into the wedding. We also had quite a scare with the fireworks that night. Something went arry when the boys ( Zac, my counsin, and uncle) were shooting some of the bigger fireworks. One of the firework balls exploded in the tubes right next to the guys and then the other tube was knocked down at the same time pointing towards everybody who was lined up against the house. The firework shot through the crowd and exploded just a couple of feet away from everyone. It was so scary, but thankfully no one was injured and we carefully finished the fireworks show.

I have been having a few issues with my back lately and am having epidural injections done on Thursday. It's nothing major, just a lot of pain and stiffness. I have been waiting all summer for it to relax some, hoping that is was just a flair up, but it doesn't seem like it's going to go down on it's own. So, I will be going to Crestwood Hospital super early on Thursday to have the injections done and then I'll be home to chill out the rest of the day. I started physical therapy yesterday and the massaging actually left bruises on me. The pt said that it would, but I really didn't believe her. I go back tomorrow for more of that goodness.

So, now that I have rambled a little I will get to the letter B:

I absolutely love books! I love the way they feel, the way they smell, and especially the awesome stories that are found inside them. I really have a difficult time understanding how my students do not enjoy reading. If I could do one thing for my students it would be to instill in them the importance of reading and how to enjoy a good book.

I love babies! They are so cute and cuddley and I love watching them grow and change and develop. I have been very lucky to have been able to watch Camden grow and change so much this past year and I am enjoying watching Noah do the same now. I can't wait until Zac are able to start our own family.

I am very lucky to have one of the best brothers in the world! Lee and I are five and half years apart and have not always gotten along. It wasn't until I was in college that we really started to become close to each other. It amazes me everytime I am around him how similar we are. We can make each other laugh or convey some secret message with just one look. He has always been such a hard worker whether it was at his job, in school, or with his hobbies and I've alway admired him for that.

Well, I think that's it for the letter B right now. I hope everyone has a good week!


azhulsey said...

I'm glad you've been around to see my baby grow up too! I can't wait for you to have your own. You will be an awesome mommy!! I hope your back feels better soon. I know that has to be miserable :( We had the same thing to happen with our fireworks. It scared me to death. I was holding Cam and I just took off running but the firework was shooting in every direction. When it stopped and I realized it didn't hit him, I just cried. It was so scary.

MY WORDS said...

I agree about books, someone was trying to get me to down load books to my I-pod because it is cheaper, but I like to feel and smell the book while I read. Shannon had 3 of those shots and they did give him relief. You'll be in my prayers.

Jaime said...

I heart books and babies too!! I'm glad that you are going to be another one of Noah's many aunts!