Friday, June 26, 2009

Starting the Alphabet Blog...

Okay, so I'm being a copy cat and starting the alphabet blog...sorry, but I have nothing else to write about. These are not in any particular order...I'm just going to write about them as they come to mind. :0) Enjoy!

Animals - I am fascinated with any and every kind of animal. I love watching shows about animals, but only if they are not sad. The ASPCA commercials always make me cry, so I can't watch them anymore. I half joke with Zac all the time that I want a farm full of animals. Zoos are one of my favorite places to visit when we go on a trip and I always take tons of pictures. I can't stand to see an animal hurt and if I could I would adopt all the homeless cats and dogs.

Amanda Hulsey - After starting to work at Tanner, Amanda quickly became one of my best friends. We had actually taken some classes together at Athens State, but didn't really get to know each other until we started working at Tanner. We both started teaching the same year and we are both English teachers. She is so funny and I can always count on her to listen to me complaining about things and crack jokes to cheer me up. She, Jaime, and I have taken over the middle school hallway and I wouldn't have it any other way. Over the past couple of years I have watched Amanda go through some very tough experiences and I cannot express how much I admire her courage and her patience. I know that she thinks she is not a very patient person, but I don't see it that way. She has become a wonderful mother to a wonderful little boy. I am so glad that I have gotten to become such good friends with her!

Amanda Solberg - Amanda is my sister in law, but I think of her as my real sister. She and my brother started dating in high school and have now been married for about 9 or 10 years. (I can't remember exactly, oops). She is also going to be my maid of honor in my wedding. I love Amanda so much! She is always there for me, just like a true sister should be. This year she was named as Madison County's teacher of the year in secondary education. I am in such awe of her teaching/academic skills. She is very dedicated to her career and to her students. I don't think I can ever be half the teacher that she is. She is a great example of what an educator should be.

Amelia - Although Amelia and I haven't known each other that long, I can say that I am extremely glad that we met each other. I am totally envious of her hot body and cool fashion sense! I wish that I had the dedication and will power that she does so that I could work out and have a better body. She has two wonderful (and hilarious) kids who are just adorable!

Apples - Okay, so this one sounds really stupid, I know. But, I love apples. My favorite apples are Honeycrisp apples and I can only find them at Target. Since we have moved to the new house we don't go to Target that much anymore so I haven't had my fave apples in a while now and I miss them!


Jaime said...

You're back!!! I heart your A's. I love Amanda and I am envious of Amelia's hot body too!!

Anonymous said...

yall are making my head swell! lol! thanks for the kind words. i'm so glad jaime introduced me to you and amanda!

azhulsey said...

Tears, tears, tears! Thanks so much for the nice words about me. I really needed to hear that today :) I love you and my James and I DREAD the day that we stop working together. But I know even then we will not let the circle be broken! I heart you and I'm so honored that you are letting me be in your wedding! I wish I had known you and James when I was married because you two would have most definitely been at my side on that day :) MUAH!

Purple Treasures said...

Yeah, I am so glad you have returned to blogging. Girl, I totally understand the envy over Amelia and her beautiful self. You should try shopping with her !!!!! You get used to it after awhile, LOL LOL. I can't handle the animal commercials either. I think it would be better without the gut wrenching music !! Keep up the blogging !!!